Hello all! Oh, dear...it has been how long, exactly, since I updated this blog? Ugh. Life has gotten immensely in the way in the weeks and months since I first launched Faith Today. But no more! I finally have something of a schedule in between looking for freelance editing/proofreading...so...I am back with a vengeance. :)
For all two of my readers, and any other people that want to stop by, I have been thinking a lot about what to share with this new post. While Faith Today will primarily feature articles of devotional and didactic quality, I also am fond of solid, doctrinal Christian music. So I decided to start a new feature on the blog: Music posts!
I have an entire theology of music and worship that I will not get into here, choosing to save it for the "distinctives" page I will eventually set up. But rather than give a list of statements about what I think music should be and why...I think it would be better to show you.
The Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team (www.pettitteam.org)
Steve Pettit founded the Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team in 1995, having traveled in itinerant evangelism for ten years prior. This time, he would be conducting local-church crusades with the addition of musically-gifted Christian college graduates who would assist him in vocals and instrumentation. The Pettits are the gold standard among independent Baptists for their conservative style and arrestingly lovely harmony and arrangement of both classic hymns and contemporary songs. The Pettits base their ministry out of Dunbar, Wisconsin, under the auspices of Northland Camp, a ministry of Northland International University.
Galkin Evangelistic Ministries (www.galkins.org)
Will and Christy Galikin met while traveling together on the Pettit Team, leaving in 2003 to start Galkin Evangelistic Ministries. Will is a dynamic preacher and travels across the country with his wife, five children, and the rest of the team members -- all graduates from Christian universities dedicated to magnifying Jesus in fundamental churches through music which exalts the gospel. Along with the Pettits, Will and Christy serve as a ministry team of Northland Camp, and they base their work out of their sending church, Red Rocks Baptist in Morrison, Colorado.
And now, onto the songs! I am sharing two from each team.
First is "Faithful God," from the Galkin album By Faith.
Second is "More and More Like You," which Christy Galkin and Reba Snyder gave at a meeting at Yates-Thagard Baptist Church about two years ago.
From the Pettits, one of my favorites is "Grace Unmeasured," a Sovereign Grace Music ballad, from their album So High the Price.
And perhaps one of my top five favorites of all time, "O Wondrous Love," from one of their older albums, If Eyes Could See.
Praise God that He really does promise us unmeasured grace in our wonderful Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ -- a grace that never fails to hold us within God's wondrous love, preserve us, and make us more and more like Jesus in every lack and lavishing of our lives.
Truly, Christians are the most blessed people alive!
I trust these precious truths will carry you throughout the weekend into your worship of our Risen King this Lord's Day! Let these truths arrest your heart, guard you from sin, and deliver you afresh into the arms of your Beloved, Jesus Christ. Surrender to Him wholeheartedly, for He is enough and in His arms are all truly good things.