It seems to ever be my lot in life that I am never happy with my blog layout. Long before I ever had an inkling of a desire to actually slap my own thoughts out on the Internet for all these strangers and all two of my dedicated friends to read, I was mesmerized by the fancy-shmancy artistic feasts bloggers like the Pyromaniacs or...well, mostly just them, since a lot of the blogs I read had little in the way of aesthetics. Such is the curse of being literary and visual-artsy, I suppose. Ah, well...we all have our crosses to bear.
Anyway, to that end I was tweaking my layout a bit this afternoon (detailed readers will note the changes! First one to pick them all out in a comment gets a cookie!), and I just noticed that I have managed to post only once a month for two of the three month the blog has been live (November was the massive, nutty record of two).
I realized with great disgust and horror (well, not really) that I have become one of those bloggers I hate -- you know, the kind that opens a blog and posts some really good things, then you check in and you realize their last post was six months ago, with no explanation. I have met the enemy, and he is me. (At least he has rockin' hair.)
Not that I have an audience to whom I am accountable, but I guess the reason I have not been blogging much is because I am realizing how hard it is to think of things to write. It isn't that I don't have ideas -- I do -- it's just that I am finding it harder than I had anticipated to get the visuals and snippets of coherence out of my head and onto the screen. It is hard to know how to intro, what to put where, how to get precise points capture everything in my heart and put it out there for the edification of people and the glory of our great God.
Well. Christmas is coming. And I do tend to get inspired and nostalgic around the holidays...
{Case in point: I am finally working on my second novel, and this one is actually capable of going somehwrre. With my favorite characters ever. Seriously, I'm telling you...something about Christmastime. :)}
You're awesome. That is all. :)